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Addressing the Need for an Elder Lawyer In Milford with the Senior in Your Life

Steven L. Rubin

January 16, 2015

The choice about whether or not to hire a Milford elder lawyer is one that is not to be taken lightly. Unfortunately, it’s a topic that can cause a lot of anxiety both for the senior and for his or her adult children. There are multiple reasons that it’s an uncomfortable conversation to have.

Of course, the most obvious is that the need for an elder lawyer brings up the topic of the senior’s mortality. An attorney can be brought in for many reasons, one of which is estate planning. And with estate planning comes the reality that each of our lives will come to an end. This can be especially distressing to an elderly person, but you can’t overlook the feelings that it stirs up in their family members and friends.

Another reason that folks in Milford find themselves wanting to work with an elder lawyer is because the senior is beginning to make decisions that are not in his or her best interest. No one wants to tell Mom or Dad that it might be time to stop driving, that they shouldn’t have control over their finances, or that it’s time to consider moving to a nursing home. When an elder lawyer comes into play, it’s often to address these exact topics.

The conversation can be softened a bit with different approaches. One common one is for the adult child to make it about himself or herself instead of about the parent’s age or health. For example, it’s not too hard to relate a “friend’s” story to your own situation, pointing out how your friend or person you’ve heard about is having a hard time getting a senior the right care because there are no powers of attorney or medical directives in place.

Earlier Is Better

One of the things that often brings people in Milford to an elder lawyer is the realization that a senior is starting to decline in health. This could be physically, mentally, or both. Of course, it’s preferable to work on a long-term plan before this becomes an issue, but if that hasn’t happened, there are still a lot of options available. The better the senior’s health, the more say he or she can have in devising the plan.

No matter what the senior’s capacity, it’s a good idea for any adult siblings or other legally concerned parties to take part in the meeting with the lawyer. This can help to reduce friction later because everyone is aware of the plan and knows how it will be enacted. If there are concerned parties that aren’t available, it is strongly recommended to make sure they are communicated with for the same reason.

If there is disagreement among a senior’s adult children, it may be in everyone’s best interest to bring in a third party. In addition to a Milford elder lawyer, there are geriatric care managers and mediators who are trained in how to refocus everyone on the true goals of the plan rather than letting things devolved into a grudge match.

It’s always a good time to review your circumstances or those of a beloved senior in your life. Spending a little time with a Milford elder lawyer now can make a world of difference down the road.

For more information or help getting started, please feel free to call our office at (203) 877-7511 to schedule a complimentary planning session with the mention of this article.

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