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Milford Will and Trust Lawyer: How to Plan When You’re Ill or Dealing with Health Challenges Related to Old Age
November 23, 2018
Serious health diagnoses can impact your life in huge ways and may bring concerns you haven’t thought of up to the forefront. One of those concerns, which is often pushed off when everything is going well, is estate planning and/or elder law planning. Planning can give you the peace of mind of knowing that your wishes are known, and your loved ones are cared for if the worst happens, or that you’ll be able to remain in control and independent for as long as possible. But what do you need in order to have an effective plan when you’re ill? Every situation is different, but the following are the basic legal documents you’ll want to put in place.
Living Will and Health Care Representative Designation
A living will allows healthcare professionals to know your wishes regarding your medical care, specifically what kind of life-saving measures (if any) you’d like taken if you’re facing a serious illness. The healthcare representative designation names a person or people to act on your behalf regarding any medical issues if you’re incapacitated and cannot make decisions for yourself. Your attorney can review these health care directives with you to determine what will be best for your situation taking into account your medical issues and your family dynamic.
Financial Power of Attorney
A financial power of attorney allows someone of your choosing to make financial decisions for you if you’re incapacitated, or if you feel you need extra help handling financial matters. This document can be necessary if you’re facing a long rehab or recovery period and can be designed in such a way that it only grants temporary power to your financial representative – once again, depending on what type of medical situation you’re facing.
Last Will and Testament
A last will and testament allows you to plan out the distributions from your estate to your loved ones after you’ve passed. If you’re facing a serious medical illness, it may be a good time to create a last will and testament or re-examine an existing plan to ensure that it still conforms to your wishes.
Living Trust
Many people who are ill or declining as a result of age choose to transfer their assets into a living trust. The trust creator, or Grantor, can appoint a trustee or co-trustees who can help manage the assets in the trust for the senior or individual without the trustee gaining ownership of the accounts in question. A trust also allows someone to pass their assets down to loved ones in a safe and controlled manner, such as stipulating that heirs cannot receive their inheritance until they turn 25, reach a certain milestone, etc.
Again, you can speak to a Milford estate and elder law attorney to determine if there are other documents that may help strengthen your estate plan. It’s also a good idea to check that your beneficiary designations on bank accounts, retirement accounts, and insurance policies are all up to date.
If you would like to learn more about estate planning, or if you’d like to discuss your existing estate plan or create a new plan, please set up an appointment at our Milford law firm by calling (203) 877-7511.
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